Virtual Exhibition TI (V-poTI)
A downloadable game
*This application is still a prototype which is still in the development stage and will be updated regularly.
General Description
Virtual Expo-TI (V-poTI) is a multi-player simulation video game that simulates a virtual exhibition of the Student Work Exhibition of the Information Technology study program (GKMTI) at AMIKOM University Yogyakarta. This game has three-dimensional graphics with the simulation and action genres. This game is categorized as Serious Game. The Information Technology Student Work Exhibition (GKMTI) is one of the 6th-semester compulsory courses with a weight of 4 credits at the Information Technology (IT) Study Program, AMIKOM University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. GKMTI is the culmination (highest peak) in the IT Study Program, where the works of IT students are exhibited and contested in the GKMTI work exhibition at the end of semester 6. Works are assessed by industry in the IT field according to the category. In 2022, there are six categories of works at GKMTI, namely 2D Concept Art, 2D Animation, 3D Models, 3D Animation, Game Development, and Hybrid. IT students can choose a work category that is to the concentration chosen during lectures.
Compatible Devices
OS: Android (minimum 4.4 KitKat)
*Aplikasi ini masih berupa purwarupa yang masih dalam tahap pengembangan dan akan diperbarui secara berkala.
Gambaran Umum
Virtual Expo-TI (V-poTI) merupakan video game simulasi multi pemain yang mensimulasikan pameran virtual Gelar Karya Mahasiswa program studi Teknologi Informasi (GKMTI) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta. Permainan ini bergrafis tiga dimensi dengan genre simulation dan action. Permainan ini berkategori Serious Game.
Gelar Karya Mahasiswa Teknologi Informasi (GKMTI) merupakan salah satu mata kuliah wajib semester 6 dengan berbobot 4 SKS pada Program Studi Teknologi Informasi (TI) Universitas AMIKOM Yogyakarta. GKMTI merupakan kulminasi (puncak tertinggi) pada Program Studi TI, dimana karya-karya mahasiswa TI dipamerkan, dinilai, dan dilombakan dalam pameran karya GKMTI pada akhir semester 6. Karya dinilai oleh industri di bidang TI yang sesuai dengan kategori. Pada tahun 2022, terdapat enam kategori karya pada GKMTI, yaitu 2D Concept Art, 2D Animation, 3D Model, 3D Animation, Game Development, dan Hybrid. Mahasiswa TI dapat memilih kategori karya yang sesuai dengan konsentrasi yang dipilih selama perkuliahan.
Perangkat yang kompatibel
OS: Android (minimal 4.4 KitKat)
Status | Prototype |
Author | Soniaanjani |
Genre | Simulation, Action |
Tags | 3D, serious, virtual-exhibition |